Dedicated to deal with copyright infringement

Dedicated to deal with copyright infringement

KOPIPOL actively fights reprographic piracy, the unauthorized copying and distribution of copyrighted works (like books and articles) using photocopiers and similar devices.

Common offenders are owners of reprographic devices who offer unauthorized copying services (e.g., photocopy shops selling ready-made copies).

Reprographic piracy is a crime:

  • Paying the standard copyright fee does not excuse reprographic piracy.
  • Offenders face potential legal consequences and fines.

KOPIPOL combats piracy by:

  • Identifying offenders: actively searching for individuals engaging in illegal copying.
  • Initiating legal action: filing lawsuits against copyright infringers.
  • Collecting evidence: gathering proof of illegal activity.
  • Seeking compensation: working to ensure authors receive compensation for damages caused by piracy.

A detailed description of the actions taken by the KOPIPOL Association over the last two years can be found in the article “Book Piracy” (Piractwo książkowe) by Andrzej Gąsiorowski, attorney at law,  published in the special issue of the Biblioteka Analiz, dealing with reprography.

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The KOPIPOL Association for Collective Management of Copyright of Authors of Scientific and Technical Works

Warszawska 21/31, 25-512 Kielce
Tel.: +48 (41) 341 54 39
Fax: +48 (41) 341 54 47